My story is like many of the others I’ve heard over the years pertaining to my condition. I was experiencing continual weight loss. Running to the bathroom four to five times a day and continuing on through into the night. This I endured for two to four years, while trying to live a normal life with this abnormal situation.
After searching extensively, I found my answers. The blood work and the test revealed irritable bowel syndrome.
This is when I met Carol, a friend of mine, who had a similar problem. She introduced me to drinkable Aloe Pure 5000™ . I started to take Aloe Pure 5000™ on a daily basis. After about six weeks, I started to get very noticable results. I was amazed!! Then Carol suggested I add ProEnzyme, and ComPlex 50™ and change my diet. Carol suggested for me to go on her candida diet. This I did and the rest is history. I feel great. I would drive across the country for Aloe Pure 5000™ , ProEnzyme™ , and ComPlex 50 Plus™ ….if I had to in order to get my products. I always keep a stash for myself. I never want to be without these products ever again.
P.S. Whenever someone tells you all aloe drinks are equal ...don’t believe it. I had the misfortune of going off the aloe for a while and I bought another aloe product that was suppose to be as good ….not true. My colon knows the difference. I jumped right back on Healthy Systems™ products Aloe Pure 5000™ , ProEnzyme™ , and ComPlex 50 Plus™ . I would recommend Healthy Systems™ Products to anyone having any type of gastro-intestinal ailments.
Disclaimer: This information is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or prescribing, but is offered for informational purposes only. In the event that the information is used without a Physician's or a qualified health care professional's approval, the individual will be diagnosing for himself. No responsibility is assumed and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performances or effectiveness of the items mentioned on this entire website. All should seek a professional's advice before diagnosing for themselves.