Hannah started to have reoccurring ear infections when she was seven months old. The first time that it happened, it took two prescriptions of antibiotics before the infection cleared up. From that point on, her bouts with ear infections became more and more frequent. We dealt with this situation for two years giving Hannah many prescriptions of antibiotics.
Then one day a friend recommended that I try giving Hannah some natural products,Aloe Pure 5000, ProEnzyme, and ComPlex 50 Plus. My friend went on to explain that antibiotics can often destroy good intestinal flora, and with the repeated doses of antibiotics that Hannah had taken, this could be making it difficult for her to rebuild the friendly flora.
I began to give Hannah these three products on a daily basis. After about two weeks, I noticed a tremendous improvement in Hannah’s over all health. Hannah is now 7 years old and has not had a single ear infection and she’s had only one cold. I continue to give her Aloe Pure 5000,ComPlex 50 Plus and ProEnzyme every day. I began to take Aloe Pure 5000, ComPlex 50 Plus, and ProEnzyme at the same time that I started to give it to Hannah. At that time, I was pregnant with Isaac. When Isaac was born, I started to give him Aloe Pure 5000 by mouth with an eye dropper when he was only two months old. When he was old enough to eat cereal and baby food, I began to give ComPlex 50 Plus and ProEnzyme. Isaac is now 4 years old and to date he has had only one cold and has never had any antibiotics or other prescription drugs in his body.
My only regret is that I didn't know of these three products before Hannah was born.
Disclaimer: This information is not presented with the intention of diagnosing or prescribing, but is offered for informational purposes only. In the event that the information is used without a Physician's or a qualified health care professional's approval, the individual will be diagnosing for himself. No responsibility is assumed and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performances or effectiveness of the items mentioned on this entire website. All should seek a professional's advice before diagnosing for themselves.